Sorry for the brief White Trash Wednesday interlude, but Jebediah is drunk.
Seems as if Bob Woodward has something to say:
Hillary Clinton will win the Democratic nomination for president in 2008 and her Republican opponent will be none other than Dick Cheney, according to Watergate journalist Bob Woodward.
Speaking to a crowd in Aspen, Colo., on Tuesday, Woodward said there was a strong chance that President Bush would urge Cheney to seek the White House.
"He would be 67 if he ran and was elected," said Woodward. "Reagan was 69. Nixon was 68. Republicans always like the old warhorse … Both parties like to nominate vice presidents.
"Cheney would do it, and I think it’s highly likely."
If only he would. Dick "F-Bomb" Cheney would be a kick ass President, taking no prisoners. Would give the libs fits, especially Helen "I’ll kill myself if Cheney runs" Thomas. Remember this one from the Vice Presidential debates?
"Cheney, attempting to prove Edwards incapable of defending this country, shocked everyone with a startling revelation. "How do I know John Edwards can’t defend our country?" asked Cheney. "Because I abducted him from his home when he was a child and threw him down a flight of stairs, obviously causing permanent brain damage."
Cheney cracked his knuckles and added, "and I could do it again." Edwards was left in tears."
In reality, the VP debates showed that Cheney knows what he is talking about, and is cool and calm, until the point where he rips heads off.
Well…I don’t see him winning it right now, but then again, I can’t think of anyone more qualified that’s been mentioned yet…
Be much better then McCain. I do not see Condi runnign as anything other then a VP candidate at this time.