Air Deadbeat Flies South

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Looks like Randi "Shrill" Rhodes (it’s a shame she shares almost the same name as the late, great, Randy Rhoads of Ozzy fame) wants to fly to Crawford to be there with Cindy "I’ve lost my mind" Sheehan. Does that seem insensitive to Cindy? Ask me if I care. She has gone too far. But, back to Randi, commercial travel is to pedanic for her (via Radio Equalizer, h/t to Captain Ed:

Steve Earle is very popular in Crawford! I want to go and do my show live next Friday from Camp Casey. It’s a hard remote but I can try to figure it out with G. I’m thinking about the details now..

Also, transporation is an issue, because it will take me a whole day to travel. I don’t want to miss a day on the air, and lose momentum. Flight to Dallas, on to Waco and then to Craford by car. So I was hoping that someone in the company would let me use their jet? I could take Steve with me and leave after Thursday’s show.

Air America has an $875K debt to the Gloria Wise Boys and Girls club, and she wants to take a private jet. As Dr. Evil says "Riiiiiiiiiiiiight."

Captain Ed wonders if he missed something. Well, not really missed, but, Randi did. She can take a flight from Laguardia or Newark to Waco on Wed on one of serveral airlines, which would take anywhere from 5 1/2 to 7 hours, with a stopover in either Dallas or Houston, anywhere from around $1100 to $1300 per person. Hell of a lot less in cost then a private jet, eh? It’s then aprox 43 miles from Waco to Crawford. If she left on an early flight she would be there just fine for the smelly hippy show at 3pm. Somehow, that is not "all day." She could catch the 6am out of Newark, NJ. Just a suggestion for a radio station that is hemoraging cash.

Glutton for punishment that I am, I have dove into the Randi Rhodes message board, and Yup! it is as bad as I expected. Profanity laced tirades. Of all the comments, this is my favorite (which is about Cindy being divorced):

Anton: No shame, no conscience, and no sense to mind their own fucking personal business.

Like the left is minding their own business, Anton? Hmmm? I guess it is more of the Leftist "free speech for me, but not for thee."

Anyhow, maybe Air Deadbeat should reconsider letter the Shrew fly on a company jet. Asshats.

The Great Michelle Malkin has more. John In Carolina is still smacking the Raleigh N&O silly. Check the Confederate Yankee for Cindygate.

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One Response to “Air Deadbeat Flies South”

  1. Ogre says:

    Of course. You don’t think they planned this? The left has likely been searching for a mom to throw up in front of the world. I’ll bet this has been planned and speeches written for over a year, just waiting for the right opportunity — a mom who is above reproach that simply cannot be criticized because she lost her son.

    I truly feel sorry for her because she honestly has no clue.

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