August 19, 2005 – 10:37 am
Looks like Paul is off his meds again: Mr. Krugman, I would say that it is time for you to move on from this, but, I know that will never happen with any Liberal. Al Gore did not win the 2000 Election. Despite the best attempts by the Democrats to circumvent the law […]
August 19, 2005 – 7:36 am
Looks like Air America Deadbeat owes more money then was originally thought. Via Michelle Malkin, comes a story from the NY Sun: An attorney whose client is suing the Air America radio network said yesterday that the May litigation is part of a larger attempt by the client, an owner of radio stations, to collect […]
August 18, 2005 – 10:41 pm
President Bush’s address to the Nation in front of a joint session of Congress, with Tony Blair in attendence: The terrorists’ directive commands them to kill Christians and Jews, to kill all Americans and make no distinctions among military and civilians, including women and children. This group and its leader, a person named Osama bin […]
August 18, 2005 – 5:26 pm
Breaking news, Cindy Sheehan is leaving Crawford, since her Mother has apparently had a stroke. How quickly do the moonbats come up with some sort of Bush/Cheney/Rove style conspiracy theory? Well, not long at all at the DU: medeak: another casualty of Bush she was probably worried sick re daughter’s safety .
August 18, 2005 – 8:57 am
There is a rather interesting story out of Durham, NC: Even the high school for the state’s science and math elite can’t find enough girls willing to become computer geeks. So it’s deleting boys from one of its techie classes.(at the NC School of Science and Mathematics So, starting in October, the school will offer […]
August 17, 2005 – 9:15 pm
Has Air America repaid the money yet? How about those bounced checks? No? Daaaammmmm Radio Equalizer and Michelle Malkin have more. LOTS more. In depth. Read it all.
August 17, 2005 – 8:43 am
Hey, y’all, Jeb here. Teach told me to stay away from the Huffington Post, but I get a hoot out of watching moonbats pretend they think normally. Now, there must be some sort of alien control of the moonbats, due to irrational inability to mention Bill Clinton in a negative light. Case in point: Laurie […]
August 16, 2005 – 10:09 pm
Couple great Carnival’s today Bonfire of the Vanities is hosted at Technogypsy, who does a really good job, even digging out other posts from the submitters and Carnival of the Clueless at RightWing NutHouse, where Rick does his usual stellar job. "Go to ludicrous speed NOW!"
August 16, 2005 – 9:58 pm
Finally buying my first home. Always loved apartment life, but it is time to go the home route. Nice little duplex at a golf community (homeowners dues pay for it), 1100 square feet. And it backs up to a pond and a river, so nothing can be built to screw up my view out the […]
August 16, 2005 – 9:31 am
Looks like Randi "Shrill" Rhodes (it’s a shame she shares almost the same name as the late, great, Randy Rhoads of Ozzy fame) wants to fly to Crawford to be there with Cindy "I’ve lost my mind" Sheehan. Does that seem insensitive to Cindy? Ask me if I care. She has gone too far. But, […]