August 16, 2005 – 8:48 am
Seems as if Monsieur Kerry has a difficult time finding things (other then rich women to marry). Besides his sanity, he has had trouble finding the Senate Floor, where he was supposed to bloviate about the DSM and Karl Rove, and he has had trouble finding a pen that works on the "undeleated line" of […]
August 15, 2005 – 10:14 pm
Lordy, Lordy, Steve’s blog is, well, one. Congratulations to Secure Liberty!
August 15, 2005 – 12:41 pm
From the New York Times As of today, Judith Miller has spent more time behind bars to protect privileged information than any other New York Times journalist. Reporters from other news organizations have endured longer jail time in the same important cause over the years, but for us and we hope for others, it should […]
August 15, 2005 – 8:40 am
Comstock Park, Michigan – The ceremonial first pitch at a West Michigan Whitecaps baseball game was full of surprises. Not only was Friday’s pitch thrown by an elephant, but the ball went straight to catcher Chris Robinson’s mitt. Fans and players cheered the 2,7m tall, four-ton African elephant named Laura after she flipped the ball […]
August 15, 2005 – 8:36 am
Why is it that certain elements of the US population, and now the British, are having such a tizzy over the proported loss of "civil liberties" when as of yet, none has occured? The handwringing and hysterical outbursts from folks such as the ACLU is commonplace, but ignores reality and fact. Searching bags in NYC […]
August 15, 2005 – 7:54 am
Ye all welcome another fine member to the American Flag League, Potbelly Stove. Welcome aboard, matie!
August 14, 2005 – 9:45 am
Today the giant pinup lady is visiting the Mighty Mo, on whose decks Japan signed their Terms of Surrender formally on September 2, 1945. Why is she on the Mo today, 8/14/2005? Emperor Hirohito announced Japan’s surrender on 8/15/1945, Japan time, and the US celebrates VJ day today, August 14. Today truly marks the end […]
August 14, 2005 – 9:04 am
John at Stop The ACLU has an important post, entitled "Putting the Fear of God into the ACLU" The man behind an online effort to rein in the American Civil Liberties Union is taking his campaign to America’s churches, hoping to mobilize millions of believers into taking a stand against the legal organization. As WorldNetDaily […]
August 13, 2005 – 5:45 pm
Get your position here Course, then I would have to give you my real name. (H/t to Miss Beth, who found at Wordpark) Raise my level, beeatichs!
August 13, 2005 – 1:58 pm
Congratulations go out to Dr Rusty, breaking 2 Million hits. Go say congrats. Or, if moonbat, go seethe.