Monthly Archives: August 2005

Cindy Sheenan: Dem Underground Dupe

Found at the Dumbocratic Underground (still picturing Morlock’s) Here’s video of Cindy’s personal message to DU: We’re still editing, but realized I should put this bit up right away: Thanks for the tip, KGoul! PS: I have a sorta crummy recording taken with my digital camera, in case the online one goes poof! Click […]

Air Deadbeat: Going National

Just a polite reminder for Melanie Sills at the Raleigh News and Observer: the Associated Press now has an article, written by David Caruso (nope, not the same one as from NYPD BLue, and many major flops afterwards. Thought that would fit in with the way AIr America is doing.) The News and Observer is […]

Atta, Able, 9/11, Grey Lady. No Slick?

I gotta tell you, it takes shear genius (or twisted minds) to write an entire article regarding knowledge about Atta and cohorts being known about in 1999 without one mention of Clinton: The Sept. 11 commission knew military intelligence officials had identified lead hijacker Mohamed Atta as a member of al-Qaida who might be part […]

Vagina’s R Us, Part Deux

Hot on the heels of my previous post, a reader at BoingBoing has a picture of the real thing (h/t Little Miss Attila) I still like mine better :)

Air Deadbeat-Hello, Grey Lady

Hey, how about this? The New York Times has crawled out of Liberal World, and posted a story on the Air America Saga. As Michelle Malkin puts it: After 15 days of silence, the New York Times has filed a thin little report on the Air Scamerica/Air Enron fiasco. But you need a magnifying glass […]

Another Blogging Related CANNEDature

In case you are one of the 5 4 people who haven’t read Michelle Malkin’s post on Cindy Sheehan, which includes some vile emails that she has recieved, it appears as if the person who wrote on of those vile emails, in standard complete moonbat fashion, has been terminated, fired, canned, that is, from his […]

The 9/11 Concert

Seems as if Donald Rumsfeld is going it alone and planning on a concert for this September 11th, and the Moonbats do not like it. The Pentagon will hold a massive march and country music concert to mark the fourth anniversary of Sept. 11, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said in an announcement tucked into an […]

Air Deadbeat: who, us?

What’s happening in the Air Deadbeat scandal lately? Let’s see, they are still backpedaling and not fully repaying the "loan," and Exempt Media is still ignoring the story. Michelle Malkin links to a NY Post story (thank you for continuing to follow the story, Post), which shows that more people are quiting Gloria Wise Just […]

Tripping the Rift Kicks Azz

How could I have missed this show? Though it is meant for “mature audiences.” Not sure if I qualify.

Cheney vs Hillary in 2008?

Sorry for the brief White Trash Wednesday interlude, but Jebediah is drunk. Seems as if Bob Woodward has something to say: Hillary Clinton will win the Democratic nomination for president in 2008 and her Republican opponent will be none other than Dick Cheney, according to Watergate journalist Bob Woodward. Speaking to a crowd in Aspen, […]

Pirate's Cove