Can anyone explain the use of a cell phone in the bathroom? I mean, total idiocy! Nothing better then talking to someone then hearing "woooossssh" in the background.
It happens all the time. Unfortunately. You’re in, say, the Atlanta airport, or, a high class Marriot in Atlanta, and you walk in the WC and you hear some person yapping away. Either they are insane, or, they are talking to someone on their phone. Just what is needed, someone squeezing a log while talking to ya, eh? Bet the person on the other end appreciates the grunts.
Do us all a favor if you do this: don’t. You can wait, ya know? There is a thing called "voice mail." An amazing concept. You let the phone ring, it gets picked up automatically, and the person is prompted to leave a message, which you are then, through the miracle of modern technology, notified about. "Amazing what we can do these days. Ah, I see you have the machine that goes "Ping!""
Like the duck.
Monday Specials
1. William reminds us of cellphone/bathroom etiquette here.
2. Zaphriel posts an apology.
3. Jim from Second Opinion reports that New York seems to have a theft problem.
Monday Specials
Stop the ACLU is always prepared. Sister Toldjah prefers the old fashioned method. MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy is talking about strategy. Wizbang is pro-Victory. Pirate’s Cove says hang up or get off the pot. If you have a special…
I use toilet paper not cell phones. It’s cheaper.
Have you seen this before? It’s a number guessing game: I guessed 27707, and it got it right! Pretty neat.