Great Coffee!!!

There have been a few folks talking about the ultimate cup of coffee, including Mr Bad Example himself (TB not working), and starting with Random Firings of Neurons.

See, with me, since I only drink decaf (long story, back in the archives), it has to be perfect. Got it down to a T.

However, here is an alternate way to get a cup of coffee.

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4 Responses to “Great Coffee!!!”

  1. Sunday Funnies

    Not a lot of time right now, this is a quick skim. Feel free to use this as an open trackback post. If you have something fun or funny that I missed, add a link to this post, and send a trackback!
    Conservative Thinking has strange and freaky thin…

  2. chattr says:

    Decaf only? That means you’d pass on coffee from the Nicaraguan Contras:

    Contra Cafe, Wake up with Freedom Fighters

  3. Chad says:

    Damn, thats messed up. I almost snorted my coffee out my nose…

  4. Hands down, Dunkin Donuts French Vanilla!

Pirate's Cove