Daily Archives: October 26, 2005

Blog Roll Culls

Been doing some culling of my regular blogroll and the American Flag League roll. Only ones that are no longer active, or haven’t been update for a long time. I wasn’t doing any of that petty delinking stuff. If you happend to still be blogging, and have another address, be more then happy to add […]

American Flag Bidness

‘Nother great new site added to the Flag League. Give a big hand to Pettifog. Welcome aboard, Matey! PS: Pettifog also has the great Wordpark Flag site here. Woops, it is helpful when I go through all me emails first. Got a bunch more great folks Liberal Jokes and Conservative Quotes CommonSenseAmerica The Larsonian Peakah’s […]

Photoshopping Hell

Hmm, I reckon that them silly folks at the US Today (.75 cents? Bite Me) thought they were going to get away with some cute photopshopping of Condi. You can see the results at Michelle Malkin’s spot. She reports that it has been taken down by them thar wacky libacritters, but, the fact that they […]

WTW: Clinton Rules

Hey, y’all, Jebediah here. Now, I reckon a bunch of other critters have said something similar, but, I wanna get this straight. It was OK when Slick Clinton lied to a Federal grand Jury, subjorned testimony, and tampered and harrased some of them thar witnesses, according to the Left. And, that is what the impeachment […]

Pirate's Cove