Blog Roll Culls

Been doing some culling of my regular blogroll and the American Flag League roll. Only ones that are no longer active, or haven’t been update for a long time. I wasn’t doing any of that petty delinking stuff. If you happend to still be blogging, and have another address, be more then happy to add you back.

Also, I may cull the AFL roll for those who have nothing Flag related. Not sure yet.

Also, also, for those who do not show up as "Updated" (this shows as Thong on my roll, and Flag on the AFL roll), if you know the address that shows up that way, let me know so I can fix it.

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2 Responses to “Blog Roll Culls”

  1. Janette says:

    Crikey! For a minute there I was afraid you had tossed me on the ash heap of blog history.

  2. Nope, never do that.

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