Kerry Reaches 12. 180? Not Yet

 Image hosting by Photobucket Unbelievable! Monsieur Kerry has finally passed his 12th piece of legislation in a 20+ year Senate career, though, in all fairness, it was just an Amendment, rather then a full piece. Guess Kerry has to take his success’ when they are available.

However, he still hasn’t released his full, undeleted version of his Form 180’s, promised 289 days ago on Meet the Press. I supposed that Tim Russert enjoys being Kerry’s patsy. When Kerry signed them, he released deleted versions, and only to 3 papers, who could have censored them even more. Though we did learn that Bush had a better GPA then Kerry did!

Go here to an old post to read what it is all about. I’ll wait. See that, folks? It wasn’t just about signing, but about releasing all his dam records. He did sign them. But he hasn’t released all his records to the public. He released a dam deleted version. We want to see the whole thing.

Powerline has visual copies of the dam 180’s that Kerry reportedly signed. Deleted versions.

The folks at Conservative Friends (whose site was hacked, so the original post is gone) have recommended a Tuesday blogburst. I have sent mine in. Send yours in by going here for the Form 180. Then, email the link to Kerry at this address. He has tried to dodge by changing that dam email forms web address. Like we wouldn’t find it again. Cass at Villainous Company has an excellent insert for the email. Click on the link.

Furthermore, email Tim Russert, whose dam interview with Kerry prompted this whole issue. You can email him at Send it off to other dam stations, as well, if ye want.

Why does this matter? 2 reasons. First, it holds John Kerry, who did not fade back to his normal invisible man status in the Senate, accountable for his promises. He makes alot of noise, but, not much else. Cannot expect much from someone who got 11 fluff pieces of legislation passed in a 20+ year Senate career. 2nd, he will more then likely run for President in 2008. Matter of fact, it is looking more and more like he will. Breck Girl Edwards is going to, as well.

Cao’s Blog is hosting the Blogburst. Here is the link to Cao’s 11/15/05 post. Head over, and let her know if you want to be included. Spread the word. Others blogging:


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2 Responses to “Kerry Reaches 12. 180? Not Yet”

  1. The mere thought of seeing another Kerry (Lurch) bumpersticker makes me want to vomit almost as much as seeing a Hillary one!

  2. Call me crazy, but I see Kerry getting the nomination over Hillary. Would take a long time to explain, but that is what I think will happen.

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