So, yesterday on Bill Lemay’s show, WPTF-680 in Raleigh, he mentioned the progress in Iraq compared to the 540 Beltline in the Raleigh area. Interesting allegory. Let’s look at the details on 540.
540 was added to the NC State 7 year plan in 1984. The first segment was opened in 1997. At this time, it stretches from Interstate 40 near Raleigh-Durham Airport (west side of Raleigh) to Capital Blvd (US 1) near Triangle Town Center (east side of town), with lots of construction, nowhere near completion, proceding from Capital all the way down to the US 64 Bypass. Also, going the other way.
Construction is supposed to be complete by 2025, with an intial estimate of $1.25 billion.
In Iraq, most of the infrastructure has been rebuilt. TV stations are on the air. There is even supposed to be a program about Baghdad night life. The Iraqi people have participated in several elections, with another coming up. Sure, there are some issues. But, this is a country being not only rebuilt, but built better. And in less then 3 years.

test – this is a test of the Karl Rove talking points fax.