It’s so wonderful how the ACLU, a group supposedly meant to safe guard US Civil Liberties, doesn’t even understand that the Bill of Rights only applies to US citizens, and those who enter our country legally
The American Civil Liberties Union yesterday announced the first ever lawsuit against former CIA director George Tenet challenging the CIA’s abduction of a foreign national for detention and interrogation in a secret overseas prison. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of Khaled El-Masri, an innocent German citizen victimized by the CIA’s policy of "extraordinary rendition."
"Kidnapping a foreign national for the purpose of detaining and interrogating him outside the law is contrary to American values," said Anthony D. Romero, Executive Director of the ACLU. "Our government has acted as if it is above the law. We go to court today to reaffirm that the rule of law is central to our identity as a nation."
So, here we have the ACLU fighting for a foreigner who could have provided intelligence in the War on Terror. According to the ACLU, the CIA made a mistake and picked up the wrong guy. No word from the CIA whether that allegation is true or not. But, the reality of the situation is not important to the ACLU. Only stopping the USA from protecting itself is important to them. And, now, assigning US civil rights to non US citizens.
Furthermore, the ACLU is going to great pains to harm our ability to run operations:
The lawsuit also charges that the three corporations that owned and operated the airplane used to transport El-Masri to detention in Afghanistan are legally responsible for assisting in the violation of his civil and human rights. These corporations supplied the aircraft and provided the personnel used in the illicit transportation of El-Masri, knowing that the transfer was illegal, according to the ACLU.
From the ACLU’s own website, as follow up material
….The corporations that owned and operated the airplanes used to transport Mr. El-Masri are also named in the case.
Wonderful, eh? The ACLU will name the companies, putting not only the ability of the CIA to conduct operations, from minor to major, as well as putting the lives of those associated with the companies at risk. Aren’t they supposed to be secret? Everyone was so worried about Valerie Plame, yet the ACLU and other Leftists have no problem "outing" CIA operations and the people that work for them.
Thanks, ACLU! Jerkoffs.
Today’s Blogburst Post at Stop the ACLU is about the ACLU’s attempts to deny Christmas.
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There is not one shred if evidence this happened. How would the ACLU find out which airlines contract with the CIA? And how would one know they were in afghanistan if they had been abducted?
Did the ACLU use commercial airlines and have to sit in lounges at airports waiting for their flight to afghanistan with this allegedly abducted man?
This stinks to high heaven and I predict the ACLU will look even stupider before it is over and someoen should hold that man accountable for fraud.
How does a government agency prove it didn’t do what it is being accused of doing?
I am going to sue the ACLU by claiming that they have had me followed and abducted me and held me in a bar in Tijuana for three days forcing me to drink cheap tequila and shove pesos in the ass cracks of mexican strippers.
Let them prove they didn’t do that to me.