Man, how lucky can one get, being chased by beaver:
Michelle Oliver and her husband found a rabid beaver in Umstead Park last weekend.
The 26-year-old Pittsboro resident said she and her husband took their son to the park off Umstead Drive, as they do every Sunday afternoon. Oliver said she and her husband were crossing a little creek in the park when he saw a beaver heading for him and hollered.
"It seemed I walked on the water," Oliver said. "I moved so fast I didn’t even get my shoes wet!"
She quickly steered her son and some other children to the playground, while her husband jumped onto a picnic table, keeping the beaver at bay with a stick.
You people have dirty minds!

Just the idea of getting smacked by a beaver tail… ;)
Sheesh! Have you ever seen the teeth on one of those critters? Beavers moved into my dad’s homemade pond a few years back, and destroyed every single tree surrounding it.
You do not by chance have a picture of Michelle Oliver do you?
Nothing worse than running into a rabid critter. Unusual for a beaver to be rabid but sounds like Orange Co, VA has got a pretty serious problem with 21 cases of rabies this year.