Daily Adventures

I’m using the ATM here. You mind backing the f*ck off?

Get the hell off your phone while driving, or buy a f*cking headset. I really do not need you tailgating and almost rear-ending me at 7:20 am. Asshole.

I just want a coffee. No Latte’, no skim milk, no chocolate shavings. Gimme!

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5 Responses to “Daily Adventures”

  1. joated says:

    Sounds like you needed the coffee before you left the house. Your morning might have gone more smoothly.

  2. Chad says:

    Whoo hoo… sounds like you need to show someone the rules:


  3. Marc says:

    I just use drive up ATMs. I don’t walk up to them. That’s just asking for trouble.

    Where I live, it’s not tailgaters, it’s people who drive 8 miles under the speed limit. Usually with NASCAR stickers slapped on the vehicle, somewhere. Which seems ironic to me.

    Plain Black Coffee is a gift from God. People shouldn’t mess with perfection.

  4. What’s bad is I only drink decaf. But, dammit, I just want a coffee! Not fruity stuff, especially not in the AM

  5. JulieB says:

    double espresso mocha w/whippied cream.
    or just really good black coffee, thanks!

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