Bulldogpundit over at Ankle Biting Pundits had an interesting post yesterday regarding Jay Rockefeller
Keep in mind folks, this is a party whose biggest weakness is that voters don’t trust them on issues of national security. Now, their ranking member on the Intelligence Committee is claiming he can’t give support to a program that keeps us safe from terrorists until he consults staff and lawyers? Add that to the complaints of Democratic leaders about the program itself and one wonders if they really thought through their political strategy in dealing with this issue.
Is this really the image they want to project to voters in wartime? Well, I guess it is, if you have to cater to the Moveon.org’s and Daily Kos’s of the world.
If I were giving advice to the Democrats, I would suggest that they refrain from making any further comments on this issue. As the saying goes – "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
Thanks though, Jay Rockefeller and company, for speaking and removing all doubt.
John "It’s Seared" Kerry has officially joined the ranks of removing all doubt
Domestic spying authorized by the White House "doesn’t uphold our Constitution" and President Bush’s defense of the practice is "lame," Sen. John Kerry said Tuesday.
The Massachusetts Democrat also said the alleged White House leak of a CIA agent’s identity was more serious than the media’s disclosure of the spying program.
Yes, John, because protecting this country, of which you are not only a citizen, but an elected official of, is "lame." Do you have hard facts, you know, evidence, (you used to be a prosecuter, it is stuff that is kinda required), to back up your assertion about it being un-Constitutional?
And, let’s see. Outing a CIA agent who works soley in Langley, and no proof who did it, versus outing an on going intelligence operation designed to protect the lawful citizens of the United States. Kerry does have some large feet, so it will probably take awhile to remove them. Though it is fodder for the Surrender Monkey Left.