Bad word coming in the written form. Not for little eyes. Funny though. Gotta admire the way the reporter kept on going.

Bad word coming in the written form. Not for little eyes. Funny though. Gotta admire the way the reporter kept on going.
Dang, it barely even phased the guy! He deserves the Christmas bonus of whoever the idiot was that did that.
Hmmm… I wonder who he ticked off?
Just an itty bitty hesitation, then on with the traffic. I about died the first time I saw that.
Sunday Funnies
image courtesy of faithmouse
IMAO has the Carnival of Comedy
The Squib has the Carnival of Satire
Point Five reports that The U.S. is Unable To Build Border Wall Without Illegal Labor
Conservative Cat has a List of Funny Stuff
The Nose on Your Face …
OMFG, that is too awesome!!!