Since it is the Holiday season (Christmas thru New Years) and I am visiting the ‘rentals through Thursday, kinda taking the week off, lite posting.
Kinda wish that the Surrender Monkeys had taken Christmas off. Took a little look at some of the prime players, Democratic Underground, Daily Kosbat, Huff Post, etc, and what I saw there was completely unremarkable. On this holiest of Christian holidays, these SM’s spent the day not celebrating the day we recognize as the Birth of Jesus, but as just another day to seethe. Christmas? No reason for them not to post their standard hysterical rhetoric and ad hominem attacks.
Kos wondered about the attack on Christmas. Said "gee, looks like Christmas happened." It is obvious that he either doesn’t understand the issue or, as usual, wants to spin it till it is unrecognizable. Funny when the only occurrence of Kos wishing anyone a Merry Christmas occurred on the 24th at 11:04 PM PDT. Yes, in the 3 other continental time zones it was the 25th. It might have been nice to post something on the 25th, between the seething.
A quick perusal through the DU gave the standard seething and insanity. No point in showing any comments or threads, there was nothing that would be surprising or abnormal for the DU.
So, in other words, Christmas is just another day for Demoseethery.