December 20, 2005 – 8:22 am
This is, well, just plain stupid Eight men at the American prison camp in Guantánamo Bay have separately given their lawyers "consistent accounts" of being tortured at a secret jail in Afghanistan at various periods between 2002 and 2004, the New-York based Human Rights Watch said Sunday. A report released by the rights group to […]
December 20, 2005 – 7:13 am
Need slightly over 100 to bust it. Who will it be? Update: thank you everyone who came by, and who has come by. Thank you Janette for the link in helping me over the hump. Thanks Maggie and Tammy, I appreciate! Looks to me like #100 was from IP 216.183.245, possibly from Canton, Ohio, and […]
December 20, 2005 – 7:08 am
On the Eighth Day of Christmas, the Season gave to me Eight tips to beat stress The Feast of the Seven Fishes Six cows stolen Five suspected terrorists out on bail Four Vikings in love boat trouble 3 made up stories 2 Strippers in Santa Hats and Tookie lit up like a Christmas Tree Here […]
December 19, 2005 – 7:26 pm
Sorry, ACLU. Sneak and Peak, otherwise known by its real name, Delayed Notification, will be sticking around. According to the text of the Patriot Act, Section 213, amending Authority for For Delaying Notice of the Execution of a Warrant (Section 3103a, Title 18 US Code) SEC. 224. SUNSET. (a) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in subsection […]
December 19, 2005 – 8:13 am
It still simply amazes me that anyone elected to the US Congress can be so foolish and whiny. Congress Critters are, for the most part, folks who had a good education, and made a bit of money before running for Congress. Yet, the leading speakers for the Dem party are complete whiners. How do I […]
December 19, 2005 – 7:32 am
On the Seventh Day of Christmas, the Italians gave to me The Feast of the Seven Fishes Six cows stolen Five suspected terrorists out on bail Four Vikings in love boat trouble 3 made up stories 2 Strippers in Santa Hats and Tookie lit up like a Christmas Tree Nothing funny or weird here, folks. […]
December 18, 2005 – 4:09 pm
 Yes, a little more risque then normal. Christmas pinups taint that easy to find. Anyhow, I know the guys don’t mind. No matter what they say to their wives/girfriends! :)
December 18, 2005 – 3:48 pm
Looky here, another fine member added to the American Flag League. Give a big hand to Jay Adkins. Welcome aboard, Matey! Crossed at the American Flag League.
December 18, 2005 – 3:45 pm
It is always helpful when I read my email, eh? For the second straight year, Jess at Life, Or Something Like it, has issued his Blog Awards. Check it out. He has me as "Best American Flag Themed Posts." Awesome, Jess, Thank You!
December 18, 2005 – 7:59 am
On the 6th Day of Christmas, Fort Meyers PD gave to me Six cows stolen Five suspected terrorists out on bail Four Vikings in love boat trouble 3 made up stories 2 Strippers in Santa Hats and Tookie lit up like a Christmas Tree Cow tipping gone to far Two Rocky Mount teenagers were charged […]