Monthly Archives: December 2005

9/11 Commission: Bad Timing?

WASHINGTON – The former Sept. 11 commission gave dismal grades Monday to the federal government’s efforts to shore up national security and prevent another terror attack on the United States. Meeting for the last time since being appointed by Congress in 2002, commission members gave the government "more F’s than A’s" among the 41 grades […]

TTA “Lite Rail:” What a Mess

An interesting article in Sunday’s Raleigh News and Observer, written by Republican Political Strategist Carter Wrenn (Talking About Politics). Sometimes I think the folks over at the Triangle Transit Authority must be living in "Cloud Coo-Coo Land." This morning there’s a picture in the newspaper of a spiffy "mock-up" they’ve built — sitting in the […]

Sorta Blogless Sunday Interlude: Kyoto Protocol Debunked

So, perusing the Raleigh News and Observer, and way back near the end of section A-1 is a cute little article about the Kyoto Protocol and protests for it: Thousands of protesters took to the streets in cities worldwide Saturday to demand urgent action on global warming as delegates continued their work at an international […]

Womens Brains Are Different: Ya Think?

Seriously, what man doesn’t know this? The comedians are right. The science proves it. A man’s brain and a woman’s brain really do work differently. New research from the University of Alberta shows that men and women utilize different parts of their brains while they perform the same tasks. The results of the research are […]

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

  It’s beginning to look alot like Christmas…..PS: If anyone has run across some pinups of Black women, other then Storm from the X-Men, let me know. I made a promise to someone, and it is rather hard to keep. Have spent a week looking.

Paid News In Iraq

Really, the whole story, such as it is, is becoming absurd. I fail to see what the BFD is in getting stories that are positive to and for the United States in the media of Iraq. Don’t we want good press about our country and what we do? The rest of the word has like […]

How Democrats Do Prison

Interesting. While Republicans were out there, including President Bush, decrying what Rep. Duke Cunningham did, Democrats are celebrating former NC Rep. Frank Ballance going to jail: Former congressman Frank Ballance, due to start a four-year prison term by the end of this month, will be given a send-off this weekend featuring an appearance by comedian […]

The Plame Thing is Still Around?

Yup. The Demaloons are still taking an interest in an investigation into, well, nothing. No crime committed in "outing" Valerie Plame as a CIA agent employee. Yet, on the most overrated blog, which also happens to have the most open thread (which y’all must read: pure idiocy), Atrios writes: According to CNN both Luskin and […]

Tech Support Issues

Listening to Boortz this morning, heard this gem: Last year I upgraded from Girlfriend 7.0 to Wife 1.0 and noticed that the new program began unexpected child processing that took up a lot of space and valuable resources. No mention of this phenomenon was included in the product brochure. In addition, Wife 1.0 installs itself […]

Paying Iraqi Media for the Truth

So, the military has been paying some Iraqi media to produce positive stories. The question is, are any of the stories false? No? Well, daaaaammmmmmmmmn! How about that. U.S. Army officers have been secretly paying Iraqi journalists to produce upbeat newspaper, radio and television reports about American military operations and the conduct of the war […]

Pirate's Cove