Red Orbit provides us with Deep planning (from a Philly Inquirer article):
Jan. 21–The message to the Bush administration on global warming couldn’t be clearer: Do something.
Since 2001, climatologists, environmentalists, economists, world leaders, governors, senators and business executives have been begging President Bush for something more than another study or voluntary cutbacks by industry on greenhouse-gas emissions, which trap atmospheric heat and warm the Earth.
"Since 2001." What I am sure they meant was "January 20, 2001. Where were these same pundits when Clinton was refusing to sign Kyoto and relaxing the rules on SUV’s and pickups, allowing them to get lower fuel economy and putting out higher levels of CO2? To be fair, Bush 41 relaxed the rules, too. These same pundits blame Bush for pulling us out of a Kyoto Protocol that we were never part of.
And were are the plans? The hysterical voice of the Global Warming adherents always says "do something," yet they never offer any plans on how to actually do it. I wonder what they would do about this:
The sun is burning hotter than usual, offering a possible explanation for global warming that needs to be weighed when proceeding with expensive efforts to cut emissions of greenhouse gases, Swiss and German scientists say.
"The sun has been at its strongest over the past 60 years and may now be affecting global temperatures," said Sami Solanki, the director of the renowned Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Gottingen, Germany, who led the research.
Maybe if we put a big mirror in space to beam lots of sunlight out into space….wait, that was an episode of Futurama, Crimes of the Hot. Never mind.