January 3, 2006 – 10:59 am
Here is the info for the video. VE_EmbedPlayer(“gid325/cid1093”, “TypePad/50796_1136303695”);
January 3, 2006 – 9:02 am
It’s not really true that the Democrats have no plans. They do. They have two types. The first being the ones that they refuse to actually push except by accident. Those are their core beliefs. Weak on National Security and Defense, abortion on demand, high taxation, BIG gov’t, huge social programs, and control of what […]
January 2, 2006 – 3:41 pm
Well, we know they hate the USA because Bush pulled out of Clinton wouldn’t sign The Kyoto Protocol. You remember, that treaty that the Senate voted 95-0 against, and Al Gore signed in a symbolic manner? And now blame Bush for pulling out of? But, like our Left leaning Surrender Monkeys, European Kyoto lovers are […]
January 2, 2006 – 8:44 am
Found over at the website for the Democratic House Leader, the wonderful Nancy "kill the Ca. Tiger Salamander" Pelosi: Democrats are working hard to protect America from domestic terrorism by helping local police and firefighters, and increasing security at ports, power plants, roads, and bridges. Democrats stand up for economic growth plans that are fair, […]
January 2, 2006 – 7:47 am
Interesting poll from Rasmussen: Eighty percent (80%) of Republicans expect 2006 to be a good year along with 49% of Democrats. (h/t Blogs For Bush) It is a rather interesting breakdown. The Dems, who think that this is the year they will regain the Senate, Rove will be indicted, and Bush and Cheney will be […]
January 1, 2006 – 9:33 pm
That is the meme that is going around, due to a video of President Bush, taken June 20, 2004, at Kleinshams Music Hall in Buffalo, NY. The video is here, at Moonbat Information Clearing House. And here is the official transcript. Open the transcript first, then the video. The video starts about midway through the […]
January 1, 2006 – 12:46 pm
Some interesting wackaroo’s over at the DU today leftyladyfrommo: Maybe We Should Just Do Ourselves In The human race is the biggest mistake in all of evolution. We are wrecking everthing. This world would be a lot better off if we just all drank cool aid and let some new and better form evolve. (can’t […]
January 1, 2006 – 10:09 am
 What, no pinup related to the New Year? Wassup with dat? Ah, but it is. Consider, you are on a sailboat (yes, gentleman, there is a boat there) on the sea, rocking back and forth, up and down, bobbing around. Swaying. The salt in the air is drying you up, as the Sun beats down […]