As many are not away, the student newspaper of UNC Chapel Hill published their own cartoon last Thursday. Personally, I just never got around to on line journaling it (been busy with Real Life and doing the coding for the WordPress sites, plus I wanted a good copy from the actual paper), finally have taken […]
Recent Comments
- Jl on AP Incensed That Pro-Israel Groups Are Looking To Identify Jew Haters On Visas: “Too funny-“Muslims complaining about Israel “murdering” 10s of thousands of “Palestinians” ….should be deported”. First of all, combatants killed in…” Mar 30, 15:56
- Jl on AP Incensed That Pro-Israel Groups Are Looking To Identify Jew Haters On Visas: “What are “Palestinians”, J? Actually, no such thing. But if you repeat a lie enough, it might come true!” Mar 30, 15:40
- Professor Hale on Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup: “How can you say that? She clearly has fingers on that hand.” Mar 30, 14:00
- JimS on Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup: “I suspect the baseball babe pinup was made by an AI. Misspellings and errors with anatomy (notice the hand isn’t…” Mar 30, 13:07
- Elwood P Dowd on AP Incensed That Pro-Israel Groups Are Looking To Identify Jew Haters On Visas: “Being an anti-Semite, like being an Islamophobe, racist, LGBTQ-hater, white-supremacist etc is not against the law. Unlike formal fascist regimes,…” Mar 30, 12:52