I was at the bank earlier, and they had the TV turned to MSNBC, with live coverage of the Olympic hockey game between Sweden and Slovakia. No sound, but they had the little ticker tape of what the announcers where saying. And, while there were a few other misspellings, they constantly spelled Miroslav Satan’s name Satin.
I don’t know if someone types that in, or it is automatic, but, Satan is pronounced “Shatan.” If it is some sort of automatic program, you would think it would spell it differently than Satin. If it is human interaction, I would have to guess (mind you, guess) that someone was purposefully misspelling it so as not to offend anyone. Cause there were lots of difficult to spell names that were spelled correctly.
Considering how bad NBC is doing hosting the games, particularly in the ratings department, you would think they would do everything they could to garner viewers. Granted, most people wouldn’t see the teletype of the play by play, but, that is just idiotic.
PS: I still think the NJ Devils should have tried harder to get Miroslav in uniform. Think about it :)

Censorship Dammit; C E N S O R S H I P !!!!!!
it makes me wonder.
Picnic 2006-02-22…
Today's picnic basket of items from my blogroll.
People with politically incorrect names are just going to have to become accustomed to changing them, as happened recently when Yahoo discovered that the surname “Callahan” is an affront to Allah. All the “Callahans” world-wide have changed their names to “Goddard”, as Yahoo claims that no one threatens mayhem and murder over the “god” word … yet.