Hey, y’all, Jebediah here. Remember them cartoons that the Islamic critters are all up in a tizzy over? Like this one:
You can see all of them over at Michelle Malkin’s.
That is what the Islamofacist nutjobs are freakin’ out about. Car-f’ing-toons. Yet, I wonder what they will have to say about this:
A large explosion destroyed the golden dome of one of Iraq‘s most famous Shiite shrines Wednesday, spawning mass protests and triggering reprisal attacks against Sunni mosques. It was the third major attack against Shiite targets this week and threatened to enflame sectarian tensions.
Shiite leaders called for calm, but at least five Sunni mosques in the capital and two in Basra were attacked. About 500 Iraqi soldiers were sent to Sunni neighborhoods in Baghdad to prevent clashes between Shiites and Sunnis, army Capt. Jassim al-Wahash said.
No group claimed responsibility for the early morning attack on the Askariya shrine in this city 60 miles north of Baghdad, but suspicion fell on Sunni extremist groups such as al-Qaida in Iraq led by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
Well, at least the Muslims are consistent. Follow violence with violence, and go after what are supposed to be Houses of Allah. So much for respecting their religion. And, these dim bulb camel herders don’t seem to understand the hypocricy of what they do.
They could put their energies to better use by going after the people who bombed the mosque so as to stop future attacks. Instead, they go for the revenge strike against religious sites. Typical.
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