Couple interesting changes out there.
- Stacy at Not A Desperate Housewife has changed it up alot. Check it out.
- Hooah Wife is now Hooah Wife and Friends. New address and new look, using WordPress.
- Bright and Early has a new address. Same great look, though!
Did I miss anyone? I know that there have been a bunch of changes to folks on the American Flag League roll, usually involving getting the hell off Blogspot. Leave an open trackback, and I will mention it.
Have I mentioned my host? If you are looking to move to your own digs using WordPress, Dream Host is the place for you. Customer Service has been excellent (and, trust me on this, I am extremely demanding in this area.) 10 minute automatic installs of WordPress and other 3rd party applications. Free domain name for life. 1TB bandwith, 200gb storage. Tell ’em I sent ya!