More info regarding the SUV incident at UNC Chapel Hill on Saturday. From the Raleigh News And Observer
The FBI has joined the investigation of a recent college graduate who faces attempted murder charges for allegedly injuring bystanders after driving a sport utility vehicle through a popular campus gathering spot.
No one was seriously hurt in the incident at the University of North Carolina on Friday.
The FBI joined the case because 22-year-old Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar, a native of Iran, “allegedly made statements that he acted to avenge the American treatment of Muslims,” said agent Richard Kolko, an FBI spokesman in Washington. “The ongoing investigation will work to confirm this.”
Taheri-azar, who graduated in December after studying psychology and philosophy, was in the custody of campus police. They intended to charge him with attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, said police Capt. George Hare.
Isolated incident of someone going loony toons? Revenge for the Mohammad cartoons, including the one published by the Daily Tarheel? I tend to lean towards the latter, though my question would be, did he act alone in his Jihad, or was he working with others?
Confederate Yankee has more on the Jeep Jihad.
Update: Fox News TVÂ is reporting that he is being held on a $5.5 million dollar bond, facing 9 counts of attempted murder, attempted assault.