No UN Human Rights Watchdog? How Sad

Via the BBC

A session of the United Nations Human Rights Commission has been suspended for a week amid disagreement over plans to reform the Geneva-based body.

The commission has some important business this year: consideration of human rights in North Korea, Sudan and Belarus, and discussion of the war on terror and its effect on human rights, including a report into Guantanamo Bay.

But all that may be in jeopardy because of the deadlock over reform plans. The UN could be left without a human rights watchdog for the first time in its 60-year history.

Umm, gee, yeah, OK, because the UN has done…what have they done for human rights? Other then having members on the committee who are the worst offenders, having employees who are into sexual harrasment (the real type), sex and drug parties, including pedophelia, condemning the US and Israel on a constant basis (but not the Palestinians,) and the hit parade goes on. An elected committee which meets three times a year won’t do a whole heck of alot. Just because the members are supposed to have a good human rights track record doesn’t mean they won’t be elected.

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One Response to “No UN Human Rights Watchdog? How Sad”

  1. Railroad Stone says:

    Name three members and their crimes.

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