Feingold Soars With Moonbat Community

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Jane Hamster, er, Hamsher, over at the Huff Puff wonkeranity (I don’t care if it isn’t a word) is all wet (yes, I went there) over the new Rassmussen poll on Russ Feingold, which illuminates where the Defeatocrat base wants to go

“Initially, 22% of Democrats had a favorable opinion of him while 16% had an unfavorable opinion. However, knowing he advocates censure, Feingold’s numbers within his own party jumped to 52% favorable and 14% unfavorable.”

“Moonbat River, loonier then a bat cave.”

Meanwhile, another interesting part of the poll found:

Thirty-eight percent (38%) of Americans believe President Bush should be censured for approving the NSA wiretapping program. A Rasmussen Reports survey found that 45% are opposed to the proposal advocated by Senator Russell Feingold.

What about the other 17%?


The question about censure was “Senator Russ Feingold has introduced a measure to censure, or publicly reprimand, President Bush for authorizing the NSA wiretapping program. Should President Bush be censured for authorizing the NSA wiretapping program?”

Bush did not start the program, Clinton did, as Truthout proved (see the cover page of the PDF and the date). Even so, I would still bet that most of the people polled did not have the adequate facts on the issues, but were responding with feelings.

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2 Responses to “Feingold Soars With Moonbat Community”

  1. Nettie says:

    We didn’t start the fire…

  2. Hmm, that gives me an interesting photoshop idea, if I can keep my sick eyes on the screen long enough to do it :)

Pirate's Cove