The question is, will the Defeatocrats take their side, or ours?
Russia had a military intelligence unit operating in Iraq up through the 2003 U.S. invasion and fall of Baghdad, a Russian analyst said Friday as the Pentagon reported Moscow fed Saddam Hussein‘s government with intelligence on the American military.
Iraqi documents released as part of the Pentagon report asserted that the Russians relayed information to Saddam through their ambassador in Baghdad during the opening days of the war in late March and early April 2003, including a crucial time before the ground assault on Baghdad.
Pavel Felgenhauer, a respected independent Moscow-based military analyst, told The Associated Press the report was “quite plausible.”
And we still kicked the crap out of Saddam’s vaunted military, the 4th largest in the world!
So what do the Defeatocrats think?
-  complete and utter bullshit this is merely the first of many smear pieces to be expected now that russia and china aren’t playing bushco.’s ‘march to war’ diplomatic games.
-  If this is true, it looks like Russia saved a lot of American lives. The Russians relayed information to Saddam during the opening days of the 2003 war, including a crucial moment before the assault on Baghdad, according to the documents in the report Friday.
Since there was basically no defence of Baghdad, I guess the Russians did America a favour.
-  I sense a ‘Night Of Long Knives’ ahead at the Pentagon People are being set up for a fall. The purge of those who oppose Bush policies within the DoD has commenced.
-  sniff.. sniff what’s that I smell? Why it’s our own little Ministry of Disinformation!
All right, that’s enough wackadoodle, you get the idea.
Quite frankly, after a quick (and slightly inebriated) perusal of the ‘sphere, I was rather surprised that no one had picked up this story. Shame. First, the Russians block the UN from settling this (along with the Surrender Monkey French), then we found out they were selling banned goods to Iraq.