Monthly Archives: March 2006

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

  Yes, yes, St. Patrick’s Day isn’t until Friday. I know it. Enjoy!

Oh, Never Mind. Lumberjack Instead

I was going to write something pithy about the wonkerness with this article, in which they kind of failed to mention that it is a Democratic run Legislature and Governor that is causing the issue in North Carolina  States have steadily limited the public’s access to government information since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, […]

Ken Mehlman Address at Southern Republican Leadership Conference

A few excerpts (via Do Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean really think that when the NSA is listening in on foreign terrorists planning attacks on America, they need to hang up when those terrorists dial their sleeper cells here in the United States? Was Harry Reid really that proud when he announced last year, […]

Global Warming Update: Viva La Vin!

You would think all those fu fu wine (or should that be whine?) drinking elitist liberals would be in favor of global warming: Forget France. In the future, wine buffs may be praising the merits of a fine Canadian pinot noir, the subtleties of English chardonnay, or even the complexity of a world-class Pennsylvania cabernet […]

Beyond Seething. Yikes!

Ran across this DUmmy on a thread about Alan Colmes (who isn’t “liberal/progressive/insane enough for the DUmmies): Hubert Flottz  I don’t ever watch it either!  I saw him as I surfed past FOX a time or two, before I removed them from my cable box thingy. I xed out shit like FOX, CNN and The […]

French Police Use Tear Gas: Libazoids Unimpressed

Can you imagine the outcry if this happened in the United States? French riot police used teargas on Saturday to break up a protest at Paris’s Sorbonne university, which students had occupied to press the government to abandon its youth jobs plan, police and witnesses said. Students had occupied the prestigious university, which was at […]

Vintage, Baby!

Ouch!  !vb:gv,-5257042403472858907,1!

Ports Deal: A Rovian Conspiracy

See, I wrote last night that the whole DP Ports deal was a big conspiracy to make the GOP Congressional Critters look good. The DUmmies agree: kentuck  Who thinks Bush and Rove planned this whole fiasco ? tech3149  I think unintentionally  It probably started as a plain old globalization business deal. When it became a […]

Cankles And Sweatshops

Byron York at the National Review has an interesting expose on little miss 16% Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton has accepted campaign contributions from a Saipan garment-industry tycoon, sometimes described as a sweatshop operator, whose ties to disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff have been part of the lobbying scandal investigation. Newly filed Federal Election Commission records show […]

TrackBack Friday, Featuring The Surrender Monkey!

Do you have an interesting post you want to share with everyone? The official Surrender Monkey of the Democratic Party says to do what the Lefties don’t, since they all have the same talking points: link it!    

Pirate's Cove