Monthly Archives: March 2006

WTW: It’s Abortion, Not Choice

Morning, y’all, Jebediah here. I reckon y’all know how interesting it is to watch the little seething Surrender Monkeys have hissy fits, especially at places like the Demoratic Underground. Right now, they are having their little hissy fit over the South Dakota abortion law. You, know, that law that makes it illegal to chose to […]

American Flag Business

Looky here, we have another great member joining the American Flag League. Give it up for Public Figures… Beware: The Worst Named Blog on the Web. Welcome aboard, Matey! Crossed at the American Flag League

Global Warming Update: Sun Getting Hotter

I’ll admit, I am always a bit skeptical of models. I have written that many times before in my anti global warming posts, so, I must be consistent. But, the “climate change” proponents use them to justify their hysteria, so let’s take a look at this article: Sun-spawned cosmic storms that can play havoc with […]

ATT/Cingular Merger: It’s All Bush

There are times when I really just cannot even begin to fathom the Moonbat thought process. Mostly, you have to laugh, sometimes, you have to be scared or freaked out by their potential. At other times, you really have to think that they live in an alternative reality. Case in point. The ATT/BellSouth merger. This […]

Chapel Hill Psycho Tells Us Why

Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar had his first day in court on Monday, and showed the face of modern Islam. Excerpts from the News and Observer story, including from the 911 tape when he called the police, which you can listen to at the same link: “I’m thankful you’re here to give me this trial and to […]

Bill Heckled: SM’s Call For Death Penalty

Perhaps they should be drawn and quarted, first (Yahoo News): PLEASANTVILLE, N.Y. – Two Pace University students were questioned by Secret Service officers after they heckled former President Clinton during a speech at the school, a university spokesman said.  The hecklers shouted “war criminal” when Clinton answered a law student’s question about the value of […]

UNEP Pushes Kyoto Compliance Rules: Violators Snicker

The United Nations cannot even control their own workers, including high ranking ones, what with Oil For Food scandal, the sex and drug parties by UN workers, sexual harrasment (the real kind, not the “I heard a joke” type), child abuse, and so on. Yet, they think that they can force compliance with the Kyoto Protocol: […]

Berkley East Seems To Get It. Now.

On the day that Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar is going to have his first day in court for 9 counts of attempted murder, students at UNC Chapel Hill will be active Protests are planned for Monday in the same area of campus at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where, authorities said, a former student […]

Sports, Gary Glitter, and Child Molestation

Found over at This Blog Is Full Of Crap (forgive the excerpt, why re-write what was already written well?): KTRH’s Chris Baker brought something up the other day about convicted child molester Gary Glitter… the “Rock And Roll Forever” song played at sports events earns him royalties. Has anyone built a Boycott Gary Glitter page […]

India, Iran, And Nukes

Just wondering, why was it OK when North Korea was given a nuclear reactor capable of producing weapons grade material, but it is not OK to help India with their non weapons nuclear program, while pushing them to give up their existing nuclear weapons program? Oh, that’s right, Bush is President. Same reason the Left […]

Pirate's Cove