March 23, 2006 – 12:42 pm
This is good news, though, of course, the Al-Reuters reporter, Alastair Macdonald, had to throw in a few negatives: U.S.-led forces freed three Christian peace activists held hostage in Iraq on Thursday in an operation mounted two weeks after the kidnappers tortured and killed their American colleague. Canadians Jim Loney, 41, and Harmeet Sooden, 32, and 74-year-old British […]
March 23, 2006 – 10:27 am
March 23, 2006 – 8:38 am
I find it most instructive that the ACLU, the supposed safeguarder of Civil Rights which are supposedly based on the Constitution, tends to avoid, if not break, the very Rights it says it is safeguarding. Granted, they are not a government agency. However, the ACLU has gone after private companies, have they not? Consider probable […]
March 22, 2006 – 4:23 pm
Hey, don’t blame me, I’m just reporting it: Successfully treating a mother’s depression can alleviate or even prevent psychiatric problems in her children, a study reports today. But a mother’s continued depression increases her child’s risk of such problems, the study shows. Researchers said it is the first published study to show that a child […]
March 22, 2006 – 1:31 pm
Afternoon, y’all. I just have to wonder: do the Defeatocrats truly want the USA to lose Iraq? Is their irrational seething hatred of GWB so great that they would prefer that the USA slink away from Iraq before the job is done? Is that their version of Patriotism? So, I ask the Left: do you […]
March 22, 2006 – 10:25 am
Heh (from NY Metro) Congressional leaders freaked when the Bush administration okayed Dubai Ports World’s management takeover of key U.S. ports. The 9/11 hijackers passed through Dubai, and its banks have been used by terrorist groups. But though the ports deal has been torpedoed, Dubai still possesses some crucial pieces of America’s patrimony. Dubai Holdings, […]
March 22, 2006 – 9:35 am
 Morning, y’all. Jebediah here, bringing ya another edition of White Trash Wednesday. I’m reckon y’all have heard of BDS, right? BDS: Bush Derangement Syndrome. Characterized by: irrational, seething hatred of George W Bush and everything associated with him a constant need to bring any and every conversation around to him inability to formulate any plans other then […]
March 22, 2006 – 9:03 am
A couple fine blogs to add to the American Flag League. Give a big welcome to Deployed Family Support OneManBandwith Welcome aboard, Mateys! Â Crossed at the American Flag League
March 21, 2006 – 10:38 pm
Unfricking believable. And he admits it The headquarters supervisor of the FBI‘s international terrorism operations section testified Tuesday he had never read an Aug. 18, 2001, memo in which an agent proposed a full criminal investigation of Zacarias Moussaoui as a possible terrorist airplane hijacker. Welcome to government idiocy 101.
March 21, 2006 – 2:33 pm
For those who listened to the Presidents speech this morning, do ya think that Helen Thomas might have been set up for yet another beat-down? Let’s look at CNN’s version (long excerpt coming up) QUESTION: I’d like to ask you, Mr. President — your decision to invade Iraq has caused the deaths of thousands of […]