Morning, y’all, Jebediah here. Teach, in his OCBness yesterday, thought it was Wednesday. He needs a break, so I am taking him out to play some golf today. Make sure you validate his sense of OCBness with lots of comments today. Thank ya kindly.
Anyhow, over at Hooah Wife and Friends, Elvis (yes, that boy be back from the dead!) brings up an interesting point: “But now we have horrible wailing they try to call music.” And, he’s damnright (spoken the same way we say damnyankee, all one word.)
I’m not one for much of the 50’s (‘cept Rock-a-Billy), but you have the 60’s, with the Grateful Dead, Black Sabbath Hendrix, CCR, Deep Purple, the Stones, the Who, and so on.
The 70’s added Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Judas Priest, Rush, Buffett, The Moody Blues, AC/DC, Bruce, Iron Maiden, the Rise Of Metal, and so on. Disco wasn’t as prevelant as you thought!
The 80’s saw tons of Metal, some really great New Wave and Punk stuff (along with some really hideous synthesizer crap), and so on. Don’t forget U2. The one hit wonders were generally pretty good, too. Even the Rap was OK, with folks like MC Hammer and LL Cool J.
The 90’s saw the Music Die. MTV stopped playing music for the most part. And it all started around 1993. Sure, there were a few rocksters still hanging on, like Rush, Iron Maiden, Buffett, and Robert Plant. And a few quickies like the Screaming Cheetah Wheelies. But, other then Country getting big, music sucked. The one hit wonders were horendous. Rap was all about performing violence against people, rape, murder, etc. And the people who preformed it were, and are, psycho’s. Rock was very much hit or miss.
Music from 1992 and early tended to last. People still listen to and play it. There are no real songs or artists that came about from ’93 and on. Guess who was President then? Slick killed Rock and Roll.
Hey, y’all don’t forget to visit the other White Trash Wednesday folks on the Left Sidebar.
i wanna rock! (rock)
i wanna rock! (rock)
i want to rock (rock)
i wanna rock! (rock)
turn it down you say,
well all i got to say to you is time and time again i say, “no!”
no! No, no, no, no, no!
Tell me not to play
well, all i got to say to you when you tell me not to play,
i say, “no!”
no! No, no, no, no, no!
So, if you ask me why i like the way i play it
there’s only one thing i can say to you

Do you think Elvis was white trash?
Greta, what do you mean “was”? He’s still with us. And Pirate, AC/DC, Moody Blues, The Who, Zeppelin? You…Are…The…Man. You try to put that Green Day crap up against them and they’ll be sent home crying to mamma.
Elvis was a good ole country boy, stem to stern, a true son of the South.
I cannot even listen to todays crap, which is putting it mildly. When I download music (legally), it tends to be metal, hard rock, and plain rock from the mid 80’s and earlier. Throw in a little new wave, some classical.