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- drowningpuppies on Comrade Sanders Clashes With RFK, Jr Over Climate Doom: “RFK, Jr. shit all over Bernie and Pocahontas about taking millions from Big Pharma. Bwaha! Lolgfy Losers! MAGA47 Mothefucker!” Jan 30, 21:06
- drowningpuppies on If All You See…: “How Rimjob can be so idiotically cavalier about the tragic deaths of 67 people is beyond reason. The asshole is…” Jan 30, 20:05
- Elwood P Dowd on If All You See…: “Despicable He,Il Douche, champion of ridding us of federal workers, blames President Biden for the tragedy, yet there were ZERO…” Jan 30, 19:34
Hmm, a pirate bunny, I dunno…. how does this look for your fearsome image?
Well, he only shows up once a year. With ice cream!
Oh well, if there’s ice cream then . . .