Found via And Righty So
You Belong in London |
![]() And London is diverse and international enough to satisfy many of your tastes. From curry to Shakespeare, London (almost) has it all! |

Found via And Righty So
You Belong in London |
![]() And London is diverse and international enough to satisfy many of your tastes. From curry to Shakespeare, London (almost) has it all! |
My brother is an avid surfer… he lives down south, but comes up here occasionally. According to him, sharks don’t much care for the taste of wetsuits… gack. I’d rather not bet on that.
I confess my preference is sailing –
so I don’t have to worry quite so much what is in the water unless you actually one of those things. I confess to running over a leopard shark sunny itself on the surface at Tomales Bay. Ooops. Great whites come into the bay to breed – warmer water or something. Really creepy to sail past a shark larger than your boat.
Oh and the quiz says I belong in Paris. I liked Paris. I’ve lived in London though and was tempted to find a willing Brit and stay there. ;-)
“unless you actually *run over* one of those things”
(sorry, its Monday)
And of course you belong in London – there are quite a number of very good pubs named after pirates. Most of them hundreds of years old and right on the Thames, close to the turning basin. You would love it.
heh…I would have liked it better had it said I belong in Belfast…where the great ships were built. BUT Dublin works..I was there for a couple days several years back. It is beautiful country, Ireland. It’s about the only EuropeOn nation I would ever live in.
London would be nice, could wander down to Executioners Dock ;)
Southern France does have great surfing, I was surprised. Never been there.
Would love to visit Ireland someday, or England. All that Oldness that I see on National Geographic would be great in person.
the ancient stuff is incredible – the “Museum of London” is built right up against the old Roman wall that encircled “Londinium”. whoa.