April 3, 2006 – 6:27 am
Two great new members to add to the American Flag League. Give a big hand to: Leaning Straight Up A Mom And Her Blog Welcome Aboard, Matey’s! Â Crossed at the American Flag League (ps: it is helpful when I hit the publish instead of save button, eh?)
April 3, 2006 – 6:20 am
Do you have an interesting post? Want it spread around? Well, go ahead and link it up! Otherwise, Cynthia McKinney may pop you one, or worse! Â Send a trackback to this post, but don’t forget to link it.
April 2, 2006 – 8:23 pm
This is what happens in a nanny state system: The case of a 12-year-old Longueuil boy suspended from school when his mother refused to give him Ritalin has sparked concerns over who is in charge of the medicine cabinet. Do parents have the right to say “no” when their child’s school says they need prescription drugs? “Absolutely, […]
April 2, 2006 – 5:23 pm
Heh! Woo hoo! The latest in fashio, light up bra’s. You can even have your own scrolling message. Click photo for the page.
April 2, 2006 – 10:37 am
Or so the AP is saying: A slim majority of Americans are open to allowing undocumented workers to obtain some sort of temporary legal status to remain in the United States, with stronger support for the idea among Democrats, younger adults and more educated Americans, a new poll finds. Overall, 56 percent of Americans favor […]
April 2, 2006 – 10:16 am
Are you ready for some baseball?
April 1, 2006 – 8:17 pm
A guy I know (freaking moonbat liberal) who works for Rep Brad Miller (D-NC 13) told me just a few minutes ago that Patrick Fitzgerald will be handing down an indictment of Karl Rove on Monday. The charges will be obstruction of justice, witness tampering, and two counts of perjury. Also, the biggie, he will […]
April 1, 2006 – 3:55 pm
The University of Blogging Presents to william teach An Honorary Bachelor of Emo Majoring in Comment Spam Signed Dr. GoQuiz.com ® Username: Blogging Degree From Go-Quiz.com PARENTAL ADVISORY WILLIAM TEACH CONTAINS EXPLICIT LYRICS Username: From Go-Quiz.com Â
April 1, 2006 – 5:36 am
First McKinney backslid on her respect for police officers, part of the so called National Security plan for the Democrats, now the pull this shenanigan: (from the LA Times, hat tip to Captain Ed) At the same time, Republicans on the House panel defeated a Democratic push to suspend hundreds of millions of dollars in […]