Chapel Hill Terrorist Shows No Remorse

Via The Raleigh N&O regarding Mohammed Taheri-Azar

A man charged with trying to kill students at the University of North Carolina by driving through a popular campus gathering spot says in a series of letters he does not deserve punishment.

He has told investigators and reporters he wanted to avenge the deaths of Muslims caused by the U.S. around the world.

He said in letters answering three-dozen questions from a reporter at the university’s student newspaper he won’t plead guilty, as he previously planned, because his attack was justified and he doesn’t deserve punishment.

Central Prison, where he is currently incarcerated, is only about 5-10 miles away from where I live. I’d be more then happy to pull the switch for Ole’ Sparky.

I just have to wonder how long it will be before the Leftazoids start with some “Free Mohammed” BS.

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