Grief Compels Marine’s Dad To Support War
Compels. What an asshattery headline. It couldn’t have read “Patriotic Father Who Lost Marine Son Shows Support” or “Marine Father Continues To Support Dead Son’s Mates”? Something positive? But, sadly, no. He is “compelled.” Do not know about you, but I read that headline as very negative, and like he is deluded.
FAIRFIELD, Ohio – A soft-spoken suburban real-estate broker, John Prazynski didn’t consider himself political and never expected to become a public figure, much less a pro-war activist. But in the year since his son Taylor, a Marine, died in Iraq, Prazynski has devoted much of his time to supporting the troops through fundraisers, two trips to Camp Lejeune, N.C., and interviews backing the war effort.
And, of course, he is “pro-war.” Pro war would be like pushing to invade a country that meant absolutely nothing to the USA, like the former Yugoslavia or Somalia. This is more like “pro-doing-the-right-thing.”
The former Air Force tech school instructor shares the pain — but not the viewpoint — of Cindy Sheehan, who became a high-profile war protester after her son Casey was killed in Iraq in April 2004.
“She’s grieving, as we are,” Prazynski said. “She’s chosen to direct her energies in a different direction. I say God bless her.
“My son died for the Constitution that allows her to do what she’s doing. Her son died, and God bless him, too, to support and defend the Constitution that gives her the right to speak freely, and I’m all for that right.
“I just don’t think that I clearly understand what her agenda is.”
Can’t have an article without bringing up Cindy Nutjob, eh? But, I wonder, what AP editor was drunk enough to allow those last 2 paragraphs?