Taking a screen shot before the DU bans this post (click for larger picture)
How in the heck did this slip through? And it isn’t a “Freeper” posting, either.
Yup, a quick refresh shows that seriousstan edited it out to now be “oops. He probably realized that Democrats have no sense of humor, though they often play the “straight man” in the Democrat-Republican comedy sketches.
Linked to Basil’s Picnic
Update: Miss Beth is all a-titter (sue me :)) over Fitzmas, or, should that be Fitzzlemas? Anyhoo, she points to Point Five, which has a Karl (KKKarl?) Rove Indictment Clock.
HA! The page is gone from the DUh! hahahahahahhahahaaaaaaaaaaaa
serioussam was probably going “this will be amusing” then “we have no humor and I’ll probably be tombstoned”