Or so writes Ruth Sheehan, in the Raleigh News and Observer:
This case is about race because the slur-slinging — alleged by both of the dancers — is the one allegation that defense attorneys have not disputed.
Contrary to Cheshire’s implication — it doesn’t matter how drunk you get, or how many drunken friends you’re with, you won’t sling racial epithets if they’re not in your internal dictionary. I have been in lots of groups of 46, or more, and heard nary an insult.
The case is about race because of the nation’s sorry history on race. Many African-Americans live with the memory of a time when white men raped black women with neither social sanction nor legal penalties.
It’s about race because some people cannot believe nice boys from upper-crust homes could commit a crime against what talking heads such as Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson have dubbed the “ho” or “crypto-hooker.” Believe me when I say that some of my mail has been far uglier, and more racially charged.
The question I wish Victoria Peterson had asked is: Would this story have been so huge if it had involved 46 members of the football team at St. Augustine’s or Shaw? Perhaps.
However, it is not against the law, except in namby pamby liberal minds and the PC Police, to use slurs. That is called Free Speech.
None of the players have been charged with using slurs. What point in discussing something that is rumored, but not proven?
Remember, there is a Black player on the team. Would all the White players have yelled racial slurs (I hate the word epithet) with him in attendence?
But, at the core, she is right. It is about racism. It revolves around a Black lady accusing 3 white men of rape. It is about a community with a large Black population practically convicting not only the 3 accused, but all 46 white lacrosse players because they are White. It is about the Black Panthers coming in to Durham and convicting the White players without a day in court because they are White. All in the face of not only a complete lack of evidence, but of evidence that provides solid alibi’s for two of the accused.
And it is about Ruth Sheehan, of whom I have no idea what race she is, convicting the players, all of them, of rape, because of supposed use of racial slurs, as said by the strippers.
Who is the real racist here? Those who may have thrown some racial slurs at the dancers, just to be nasty, or those convicting the players lock, stock, and barrel because they are White and the accuser is Black?