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Happy Memorial Day! God Bless the men and women who have served to safeguard the best country ever!

Memorial Day — 2006…
Memorial Day was officially proclaimed on 5 May 1868 by General John Logan. It was first observed on 30 May 1868, when flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery.
The first state to officially …
Memorial Day : Honoring the Fallen, and Those Who Risk their Lives…
It’s people who were probably a lot like Navy mechanic Anthony Gonzales that we honor this weekend. The difference is that Gonzales is not present just in the memories of family and friends, and his life is not marked today with an American flag place…
Memory – 2006…
It seems that nearly everyone in my blogrolls has something to say for Memorial Day. Me, I’ll just repeat part of what I said last year: There is something fundamentally sacred that attaches to those who have given their lives for this great nation, a…
I also notice you change your template about as much as I do mine (more actually! LOL
I hope you had a good weekend :)
You too, Beth.
I have 4 themes in rotation, but I think I am going to dump the Yaaarrr one.