I took a stoll through the Left side of the Internet, and ended up dumpster diving. But, not at the Democratic Underground, oh no. Not Kosbat, not Atrios, AMERICAblog, nor the HuffPuff. Or any of the other usual suspects. Tell you you what. Why not check some of these comments first, then I'll tell you […]
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- SD on Stupid: People Claiming They Got Chlamydia From Gym Machines: “New Jersey and New York Drone Watch – Live Streams https://commoncts.blogspot.com/2024/12/new-jersey-and-new-york-drone-watch.html” Dec 17, 21:17
- William Teach on Stupid: People Claiming They Got Chlamydia From Gym Machines: “Good grief, Elwood, you had to go there, eh? Whatevs!” Dec 17, 20:38
- William Teach on Stupid: People Claiming They Got Chlamydia From Gym Machines: “Me too. The plugin was so old it was creating a massive problem with the newest Wordpress.” Dec 17, 20:37
- Dan on Stupid: People Claiming They Got Chlamydia From Gym Machines: “Is such a transfer of a pathogen possible? Yes. Is it likely? No. It would take a near perfect alignment…” Dec 17, 20:26
- Dana on Democrat Senators Want Transgender “Care” Ban Removed From Defense Bill: “The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote: Studies demonstrate that liberals are more intelligent than conservatives. Even conservatives are smart enough to…” Dec 17, 20:23