My goodness. Between 10pm and 715am, Askimet accumulated 265 spams, mostly on poker, plus 4 made it through, also on poker. Do this asshats think that people are just going to leave the comments up? They can F off.
8:25am: 56 more!
[gv data=”" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" quality="best" bgcolor="#ffffff" scale="noScale" salign="TL" FlashVars="playerMode=embedded”][/gv]
The Bad Behavior plugin for WordPress has worked very well at stopping the spambots on my site.
How doing, FA? I switchd back to spam karma2, so I do not have to manually erase them out of the cache. I started using Bad Behavior, but started to get wonky things happen.
Life is coming too fast these days.
BB hasn’t done anything add to my blog, although I kinda still prefer my original plan of guided missiles into the homes of spammers… heh heh heh