Earlier, I pointed out Nancy Pelosi's hypocrisy on releasing super duper secret material.
House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi spoke this evening on the House floor in opposition to a Republican resolution condemning the disclosure of classified information relating to the Bush Administration's program to track terrorist finances. Below are Pelosi's remarks:
"At the outset, let me reiterate that we all, Democrats and Republicans alike, support two principles: First, we support effective tools to fight terrorism, including the tracking of terrorist financing here and abroad under all applicable laws. Second, no one here condones disclosure of information that harms our vital national security interests, and that makes locating terrorists and terrorist networks and disrupting their plans more difficult.
Ah. So she supports them, eh?
Er, no. The vote on H Res 895
Supporting intelligence and law enforcement programs to track terrorists and terrorist finances conducted consistent with Federal law and with appropriate Congressional consultation and specifically condemning the disclosure and publication of classified information that impairs the international fight against, etc.
passed 227-183, with 8 Republicans crossing over to vote nay, and 17 Democrats crossing over to vote yea.
And Pelosi? Voted nay. (full info on resolution here)
So, I guess she really doesn't support fighting terrorism, eh?
Nancy Pelosi Whacks Jack Murtha…
From Diana Irey for Congress:
(MONONGAHELA, June 29) – Washington County Commissioner and Pennsylvania 12th district Republican Congressional nominee Diana Irey – responding to a statement by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, in which Pelosi says…