June 9, 2006 – 1:23 pm
They just cannot get over the 2004 elections. This is unbelievable. I guess Ms. Pringle never saw a mental health professional for her PEST: How Bush Rigged Ohio Election – The Noe Factor By late afternoon on November 2, 2004, nationally, all the exit polls showed John Kerry winning with 50.8% of the votes and […]
June 9, 2006 – 9:35 am
From Cape Cod Today: The results of a new survey released today leave little doubt as to public support for Cape Wind – it is overwhelming. Â More than four out of five people across the state – 81 percent – and 61 percent of Cape and islands’ residents are in favor of Cape Wind’s proposal […]
June 9, 2006 – 7:35 am
It’s that time of the week again! Do you have an interesting post you want to share with everyone? The official Surrender Monkey of the Democratic Party says to do what the Lefties don’t, since they all have the same talking points: link it!  Many on the Left are taking great pains to tell us […]
June 8, 2006 – 9:27 pm
Lord knows, I don’t get all that many comments, but, I really get sick of spam ones. Between either Spam Karma 2 and Askimet, which I switch between, trackback spam and comment spam is stopped most of the time. Sometimes, they catch legit trackbacks and spam, but that is like 1 in 500 or so. […]
June 8, 2006 – 6:23 pm
“Who the hell is whistling?” What do you think he said? Basil is asking what was the last thing to go through his head was. Go answer. WuzzaDem is asking if it is OK to question Zarqawi’s patriotism yet. And, yes, I do find this humorous. Zarqawi got off easy.
June 8, 2006 – 5:00 pm
Just for a little while? Zarqawi was a bad man and a member of al-queda before 9/11. He has beheaded and bombed innocents, including Americans. He has killed our troops, and he isn’t even Iraqi. Yet the Loony Left has to trot out the conspiracy theories, questioning the timing. They have to compare Zarqawi to Bush. […]
June 8, 2006 – 11:54 am
This is pretty interesting (at least to me) A massive crater in Antarctica may have been caused by a meteor that wiped out more than 90 percent of the species on Earth 250 million years ago, an American geologist said Wednesday. The 300-mile-wide crater lies hidden more than a mile beneath a sheet of ice […]
June 8, 2006 – 8:27 am
From the offical site:Â A central theme of the 2004 elections coinciding with the Presidential election was state amendments to their individual Constitutions defining marriage or banning same sex marriages. The ACLU has been successful in overturning these laws passed by the popular vote of the people in 2 states. Now, the ACLU is challenging […]
June 8, 2006 – 7:24 am
Good news indeed (From Fox News): BAGHDAD, Iraq  — Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the Al Qaeda in Iraq leader who led a brutal insurgencey terrorist reign that included homicide bombings, kidnappings and beheadings, was killed in an airstrike on a building north of Baghdad, U.S. and Iraqi officials announced Thursday. Officials said the terror leader’s identity was confirmed by […]
June 7, 2006 – 6:35 pm
From the AP: PLAINE MAGNIEN, Mauritius (Reuters) – How did the dodo die out? Scientists in Mauritius launched a project on Wednesday to discover why the giant bird became extinct. Most theories blame settlers who found the plump flightless bird on the Indian Ocean island in the 16th century and began to hunt it relentlessly. […]