Monthly Archives: June 2006

Beer Monday Linkfest: Woodpeckers!

Happy start of the workweek, all you crazy folks out there. Git ‘er done! [gv data=”″ allowScriptAccess=”sameDomain” quality=”best” bgcolor=”#ffffff” scale=”noScale” wmode=”window” salign=”TL”  FlashVars=”playerMode=embedded”][/gv] Do you have an interesting post? Or just a post? Want it spread around? Well, go ahead and link it up! Otherwise, Cynthia McKinney may pop you one, or worse! Send a […]

More Proof Dems Have No Humor

So a bunch of College Republicans at Oklahoma University had a snow cone party to educate people on the the other side of the global warming debate, and to have a little fun. As usual, the Democrats are freaking out. And not just any Dems, but the Democratic National Committee: Contact: Amaya Smith of the […]

Al Gore For Best Actor

This one is a tad bit dated, from the NY Post on May 24th, but, if Drudge thinks it is relevent, hey, why not? (Gore’s) implication that he is our only hope – every ticket bought for this movie amounts to a soft-money contribution to his 2008 campaign – is ridiculous. He and his friends were […]

Amusing 404 Error-No Intelligence

Was looking for a different theme switching program, ran across this from the WordPress Plugins Database. Check it out.

Dole In Iraq

Here’s a story that slipped under the radar of the big media outlets: Sen. Elizabeth Dole became the first member of Congress to meet with the new Iraqi prime minister when she quietly traveled to his country last weekend. Dole, a North Carolina Republican, told The Charlotte Observer that she and Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki […]

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

  Happy Sunday! This one is by Joyce Ballantyne, with a wee bit of help by me. A nice summer-y one. With clothes!

Terrorists Arrested in Canada: Bush Not Involved, Must Be Real

Unfortunately, I do not have time (nor the inclination) to go to the Fever Swamps of Liberal World to check their “thoughts” about this, but, I can write with certainty that they probably believe that this is real, rather then the standard “Boooosh terra alert boogety boogety:” Seventeen Canadian residents were in custody Saturday on terrorism-related […]

Bush Invites Author of False Op Ed To WH-World Ends

Liberals get so upset about the strangest things. Case in point: the HuffPuff loons are getting bent out of shape over this:  Two weeks ago, Amir Taheri published an op-ed in Canada’s National Post about an Iranian law that forced Jews to wear a yellow stripe. The story, reminiscent of Nazi Germany, quickly provoked outrage, […]

GI’s Cleared At Ishaqi: Liberals Seethe

It sure didn’t take long:  BAGHDAD, Iraq – A military investigation into allegations that American troops intentionally killed civilians in Ishaqi, a village north of Baghdad, has cleared them of misconduct, the U.S. said Friday — even though it acknowledged the deaths of up to 13 Iraqis in the March raid. (2nd paragraph typical “I […]

Oh, Those Wacky Jihadi’s!

While I was slumming over at the UselessA Today (pretty colors!) for the previous story, I ran across this one, with thoughts of Yakkity Sax running through my head: Thousands of Shiite Muslims enraged by a TV comedy that mocked the leader of Hezbollah took to the streets of southern Beirut on Thursday night, burning […]

Pirate's Cove