Monthly Archives: June 2006

A Positive USA Today Story On Iraq (?)

I’m dumbfounded. The editors must be asleep at the USA Today  A few things are inevitable as Iraq moves from the mild heat of winter into the stifling heat of summer: It will be hot. Electrical grids will whine under the increased demand of millions of air conditioners and air coolers. And Iraqis will eat […]

TrackBack Friday, Featuring The DNC Surrender Monkey! 6/2/06

It’s that time of the week again! Do you have an interesting post you want to share with everyone? The official Surrender Monkey of the Democratic Party says to do what the Lefties don’t, since they all have the same talking points: link it!   The Left is positively giddy with delight over the possibility of […]

So, Is There Actually A War On Terror?

The question for liberals who are complaining about the Homeland Security grants to NYC, D.C., and San Fran: if there is no war on terror, then why do you need the money? (yes, I did listen to El Rushbo while travelling, today) Which way do you want it? Cannot have it both ways. Realistically, the […]

On The Road

Traveling back to Raleigh from NJ today. Just have to say, it is no wonder that the “progressives” (except for Pelosi, who revels in labelling herself a liberal) in DC are always pissy. There are more Country stations around DC then in Raleigh. Add lots of Conservative talk radio, and they are having hissy fits. […]

Pirate's Cove