Monthly Archives: June 2006

Priceless RW Cartoon

While I was taking a trip through the DU slime earlier, I ran across a funny, funny thread, where the DUmmies where having hissy fits over two RW cartoons. Considering how often the Leftards express themselves with cartoons, it is priceless. This one is fantastic. I haven’t seen anyone post it, so, enjoy! Done by […]

Libs Love The Military, Part Deux

Now, Teach rarely to never quotes the political forum he frequents, what happens on the forum stays on the forum, but, ya know, I reckon I might have to bust that saying, especially since this looks like a drive by poster (sorry, not naming the forum): 174971. Another “milestone”? by catullus, 6/14/06 7:07 ET Coward […]

Coincidence? Irony? Serendipity?

  Happy Flag Day, y’all, Jebediah here. On the front page of the New York Slimes this AM, under their “News from AP & Al Reuters” are two headlines: Indonesia Release Militant Islamic Cleric Indonesia Volcano Back On Highest Alert Level Happenstance? Karma? I wonder if the Webmaster understood what he was putting on the […]

Happy Flag Day, 2006!

June 14th is Flag Day. It was first celebrated in 1877, which was the 100th Anniversary of our Flag, hence the cutie pie with the 37 Star Flag.   The Pledge of Allegience was first said in 1892, the 400th Anniversary of Columbus discovering America.   Woodrow Wilson established Flag Day as a national celebration […]

American Flag Business

Several new fine members to add on this almost Flag Day. Give it up for: La Dolce Divas (beautiful ladies!) Fairlight-Harmunt’s Haven (From across the pond in Britain!) Welcome aboard, Mateys!  

Schumer Wants To Break The Law

You really, really, have to hand it to Chuck. If you are going to go wonky, might as well play deep center: Senator Charles Schumer says he accepts the decision not to prosecute top White House aide Karl Rove in the CIA leak case, but he wants the investigation to continue until someone is held […]

Pelosi Wants Definition

From The Hill: With Republicans seeking to define Democrats by their votes on such hot-button issues as gay marriage, the estate tax and flag burning, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is arguing that Democrats need to tell voters about themselves before Republicans succeed in doing it for them.The time to criticize the Republicans’ “culture […]

Al Queda In Iraq Names Next Victim

From the USA Today Al-Qaeda in Iraq named a successor Monday to Abu Musab Zarqawi and said he would stick to the slain leader’s path — attacks on Shiites as well as on U.S. and Iraqi forces. The new leader, identified by the nom de guerre Abu Hamza al-Muhajer in a statement posted on the […]

Fitzmas Cancelled (plus linkfest)

There will be no joy in Liberalville today. No fitzmas pudding, no cute wrapping paper, no bright bows, no pithy Fitzmas cards. The tofu turkey has been overcooked, the cranberries are almost liquid, and the gravy is curdled. Father Fitzmas will not be coming this year:  Top White House aide Karl Rove has been told by […]

Mary Matalin Defends Coulter

Look, I haven’t read Ann Coulters new book, and won’t until they have it at the library. Nor have I kept up with the supposed controversy. People (meaning the Left) have forgotten that Free Speech applies to all Americans, not just the ones who agree with them (via Newsmax)  Former White House advisor Mary Matalin […]

Pirate's Cove