June 12, 2006 – 12:14 pm
Scheme is a perfect word when it comes to the United Nations. (via Al Reuters) Â A U.N. scheme to promote renewable energy use in poor nations is growing sharply and will axe emissions of greenhouse gases by more than a billion metric tonnes by 2012, the U.N. Climate Change Secretariat said on Friday. Â It said […]
June 12, 2006 – 7:48 am
Happy start of the week, all you crazy rightwing nutjobs! [gv data=”http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId=3958377158361655205″ allowScriptAccess=”sameDomain” quality=”best” bgcolor=”#ffffff” scale=”noScale” wmode=”window” salign=”TL” FlashVars=”playerMode=embedded”][/gv] Do you have an interesting post? Or just a post? Want it spread around? Well, go ahead and link it up! Otherwise, Cynthia McKinney may pop you one, or worse! Send a trackback to this post, […]
June 12, 2006 – 7:14 am
I went over to see what the DUmmies said about the report that Al Queda is promising a big attack fror wacking “Sneakers” Zarqawi, but ran across something sickening. This one has the pithy title of “Why would soldiers beat a wanted enemy on a stretcher TO DEATH?” There were a few DUmmies who knew […]
June 11, 2006 – 6:29 pm
No offense, but, if you are going to come to America, please, for your sake and ours, please take the time to learn English (or at least our form of it ;)) We do not expect miracles over night, but, how about giving it a shot? Of course, now I will probably be named a […]
June 11, 2006 – 9:37 am
This is the less racy version of Bombs Away by Anthony Guerra. If you want the slightly racier version, go here. I think this one fits after what happened during last week. Heh!  Also, not to ruin the post, but I caught Markos Moulitsas Zúniga (Daily Kosbat) on TV briefly this morning. TV was still […]
June 10, 2006 – 9:47 pm
I mean, why not, Libs love America, right? Ah, but the DUmmies show their true stripes in this thread from the DU, which has been deleted. I wonder why? (you can also access the file here.) Here’s a preview: Â I have had the privilege to travel all around the world. There are many other countries […]
June 10, 2006 – 6:00 pm
Plus other things along the lines of “they suck!” You just cannot make this stuff up, folks. From a thread entitled “Murtha just said he’ll run for Majority Leader if Dems. win House…” He (Murtha) sure isn’t the most progressive dem by any stretch I’d take him over someone like Pelosi just because He’s advocating the right […]
June 10, 2006 – 9:31 am
Not that this is anything new, but the MSM keep coming up with more and more articles about the YearlyKosbat Talking Points Convention, where loons went to meet, great, and come up with anti-American talking points, and howl at the moon. You can read the whole article if you like, but there are a few parts […]
June 10, 2006 – 7:31 am
[gv data=”http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId=-7813256933733489580″ allowScriptAccess=”sameDomain” quality=”best” bgcolor=”#ffffff” scale=”noScale” wmode=”window” salign=”TL” FlashVars=”playerMode=embedded”][/gv]
June 9, 2006 – 7:14 pm
At what point does Nifong dismiss the charges or a rational, law abiding judge step in and end this charade, much less legal disaster? When Durham police and prosecutors asked a judge for permission to collect photos and DNA from 46 Duke University lacrosse players, they said a woman had reported being beaten, choked and […]