Miss Beth at Blue Star Chronicles haseth tagged me with Three's Meme. Being a bonny lass, I shall comply (plus, I kinda like meme's. Been awhile since they went around)
Things that scare me
- driving around town in a small car (lots of SUV's and trucks, cannot see anything)
- spiders
- marsupials
People who make me laugh
- Karrin
- Steve Martin
- DUmmies
Things I hate the most
- People who answer debate with personal slurs
- spiders
- rude drivers
Things I do not understand (only three??? I'll leave that for another day)
- Women (who does?)
- people who do not like the beach
- tampon's on the beach
Things I am doing right now
- getting ready for work
- watching the tube
- reading between writing
Things I want to do before I die
- visit the moon
- drive across the country
- retire to the beach
Things I can do
- surf
- go major chill on the back deck
- slice like a boomarang
Ways to describe my personality
- complicated
- 5 minute move on
- even
Things I cannot do
- Outside sales
- get distance on a drive
- sailboard
Things I think you should listen to
- Heavy Metal
- your inner child
- reality (mostly for Lefties)
Things you should never listen to
- that little inner voice that says "hey, y'all, watch this!"
- the sound of people about to die
- those who say you cannot do it
Favorite foods
- shrimp
- chocolate ice cream
- a good donut
Things I'd like to learn
- Mystery of Women
- How far does the Universe go?
- Is there life out there?
beverages I drink often
- decaf coffee
- beer
- decaf Lipton iced tea
shows I watched as a kid
- Abbot and Costello on Sunday afternoons
- lots of monster movies
- Three's Company
Suckers great people I'm going to tag
- Maggie at The Bullwinkle Blog (though I think everyone there should do it, too!
- Carol at Alabama Improper
- Benning at Benning's Writing Pad
Have at it, y'all!

I just did the same meme.
Damn. Was about to tageth you(eth)
Wow – what an interesting list! Tampons on the beach (ewwww).
Sounds of someone about to die?
The inner voice saying ‘Hey, y’all watch this’ made me laugh out loud! lol
[…] William Teach at the Pirate’s Cove challenge all of us at TBB to do one of those goofy list thingies. I did it. One down, three to go. […]
I did it.
And, I’d really like to help you out on that understanding women thing; but I’ve been living as one for almost 38 and I still haven’t figured us out. So in other words, it’s a lost cause.
Well, it ain’t as interesting as yours (you needed Dwight Frye to actually say, “spiderssss!”), but I did it.
Yeah, that sounds of people about to die is real. I was at Six Flags Great Adventure in NJ near the Runaway Train when it came off the tracks, and a few people died. I’ll never forget those screams.
[…] Now he’s gone and done it! […]
“You know what they say about payback!”
That payback is pleasurable? :)